Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Does Remarkable Equate to Shock Value?

Today I watched, “How to Get Your Ideas Spread.”  While I agree that creating something remarkable is key to getting your ideas to spread, I don’t agree that that’s what sells product.  It comes back to the old argument, any press is good press and no press is bad press.  I tend to disagree.  Even moving away from sensationalized issues of bad/faulty/dangerous product, just because people are talking about your product doesn’t mean that people are buying.  Furthermore, how far do we go to make something “remarkable?”  Does shock value work? This article has an interesting take on how effective sole shock value is, and I wholeheartedly believe the conclusion: “In order for any ad to be really effective, they have to be part of a larger campaign” (hopefully that larger campaign is focused on a quality product/service.

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